With products of the New Year
Get a samplebox for free!

It's important to us to continuously update our product range. This is why we are always busy sourcing new products and introducing the ones we are interested in to you as our customer. We know how important it is to use all your senses when discovering a new product. This is why we'd like to offer you a free sample box!
Beagley's sample box
With this box, we want to share our most promising new products with you. We can tell you all about our favorite new products, but you will never know their true potential until you try them yourself! So, with the first order you place in January and February 2021, you'll receive a Beagley's Box with Products of the New Year!
Looking forward to 2021
We want to thank you for a great 2020 and are looking forward to a successful 2021 with you as our valued customer and partner!
2020 has come to an end, making way for the new year to begin. It was a strange year, with many challenges. With restaurants closing, countries going into lockdown, and supply chains being disrupted, our market was deeply affected by Covid-19. But, we like to see the positive side of things! This year, we've also welcomed new customers, and strengthened the relationship with our existing ones. We've launched our new website, celebrated our 12.5th anniversary, and expanded our team with new talented co-workers. So, despite the setbacks, we are grateful for what 2020 gave us, and looking forward to 2021 together with you, as our valued customer and partner!
For more information about this offer, please contact our sales representatives at +31-888 880 288.